
(Jon Tame/Ken Price)

The Sandpiper Folk Club was opened in Brewood at the Lion Hotel inSeptember of 1967.   The first act was Colin Scott who went by the name of “Scotty”. The place was packed. Acts who appeared were Jasper Carrott, Barbara Dickson, if you can remember we saw a trio in Cornwall that went by the name of “Bridge” who I booked for the club. In that band was a guy by the name of “Richard Digance” who went on to find fame on Countdown. Other Local acts that appeared were the blues singer “Rod Dawes”, “Harvey Andrews”, “Bill Caddick”, “Andy Dwyer” and the band “Crumbling Bandwagon”, "Alex Campbell","Brenda Wooton & John The Fish","Dan Fone","Dave Evans","Geoff Bodenham","Gerry Lockran","High Speed Gas","Jonathon Kelly","Johnny Silvo","Jon Betmead","Marie Celeste","Mike Moran","Nigel Mazlyn Jones","Pigsty Hill Light Orchestra","Rab Noakes","Roger Brooks","Saraband","Steve Tilston","Talismen","The Fureys","The Timoneers".
Some of these local acts also played at the club when it moved to The Three Stirrups in Brewood and was run by Pete Hancox.